Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) recruitment notification details 2023 :
Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) has published an advertisement for the recruitment of 42 Grade III and Grade IV posts under its Secretariat at BodofaNwgwr, Kadamtola, Kokrajhar. Candidates who are permanent residents of the BTC area are only eligible to apply. Interested and eligible candidates may apply for these posts.
Name of Organization : Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC).
Post notified : JAA, Stenographer Grade-III & Grade – IV.
Nos of posts : 42.
Post wise vacancy details :
- Junior Administrative Assistant (JAA) Grade-III : 20
- Stenographer Grade-III : 12
- Grade – IV : 10
Educational qualification :
- Junior Administrative Assistant (JAA) Grade-III :
- Graduate in any discipline.
- One year certificate course in computer application from any Govt recognized institute.
- Stenographer Grade-III :
- Graduate in any discipline.
- SCVT/ NCVT Certificate in Stenography (English) from any Govt recognised ITI with strokes of 80 wpm and type 40 words per five minutes or Diploma certificate in Stenography (English) from any Govt recognised institution with strokes of 80 wpm and type 40 words per five minutes.
- One year certificate course in computer application from any Govt recognized institutions.
- Grade – IV :
- Minimum HSLC passed.
- Candidates age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years.
- Upper age limit is relaxable to SC/ ST/ OBC candidates as per Govt. norms .
- Rs.150/-(Rupees One Hundred Fifty) only for General/ OBC/MOBC candidates.
- Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) only for SC/ST candidates.
- All the eligible candidates applying for the post as above need to deposit a Treasury Challan payable to Kokrajhar Treasury only or IPO. In the case of Treasury Challan, the Challan must be paid in favour of Principal Secretary, BC, Kokrajhar, payable at Kokrajhar Treasury only under the Head of Account – 8443 civil deposit, Personnel Deposit, BTC. The Challan paid at Kokrajhar Treasury only will be accepted, IPO must be paid in favour of the Principal Secretary, BTC, Kokrajhar.
- Starting date of application submission: 2nd April 2023.
- Last date of application submission: 25th April 2023
- Interested and eligible candidates willing to apply for the above mentioned posts may apply by filled up the Standard Application Form of advertisement.
- The applicant must furnish 2 (two) copies of recent identical coloured passport size photographs signed across by the candidates along with the application.
- Photocopies of educational qualification certificates from HSLC onwards along with certificates to prove computer proficiency and stenography as the case may be. The candidates belonging to the General/ OBC category must furnish Permanent Resident Certificate of BTC/ Domicile Certificate/ Certificate from Municipality for candidates from urban area/ Village Council Development Committee (VCDC) certificates for the candidates from Rural areas/ certified copy of Electoral Roll to prove as residential status. The candidates belonging to ST/SC/OBC must furnish a photocopy of the Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority. The candidates must sign all the photocopies of documents furnished by him/her as certified to be true copies.
- The envelope containing the completed application along with testimonials and one self-addressed envelope (Size 23 cm x 10cm) affixing a postal stamp of Rs.5/- must be superscribed the name of the post applied for on the top of the envelope.
- The completed application form dully filled up by the candidates with testimonials should be submitted to the following address.
- The Secretary,
Secretariat Administrative Department (SAD),
BTC Secretariat, BodofaNwgwr, Kokrajhar,
BTC, Assam, Pin-783370″.
- The Secretary,
- Download official notification
- Download application form
- Official website
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